Tuesday, August 14, 2012

This photo effect for become a picture like sketch by pencil, this tutorial make use photoshop and the complete using by corel draw
#1 Photoshop
Oke let’s go do!
The first open photo in photoshop! And then you duplicate that photo layer Press on keyboard “Ctrl+J

Press on keyboard “Ctrl+Shift+U” , that’s photo like black white

Press on keyboard “Ctrl +I” , that’s photo like Klise

You change mode on layer  which change for klise from “Normal” change to “Color Dodge

After you change mode, that’s photo became a white

And then you go to “Filter menu >>> Blur >>> Gausian Blur
You change radius in box gausian blur until you find the photo like sketh by pencil,

The photo finished editing from photoshop,

And then you can get editing this photo in CorelDraw

Let’s go to next tutorial! Please Klik Here! IN CORELDRAW

1 komentar:


Mantaph gan. Tinggal pewarnaannya aja. Kalo agan berminat silahkan mampir ke tempat saya. Saya ada tutorial bikin karikatur model vexel. Monggo ditunggu kunjungannya. Saran dan kritik dipersilahkan. Terima kasih. Salam corel.

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